Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible and the fundamental truths of Christianity revealed in it. We hold to the church’s historic creeds, including the Thirty Nine Articles of the Church of England. In particular we believe:

• There is one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

• God is and always has been in complete control of all things

• God reveals himself through his Word, the Bible; the Bible was written by men but inspired by the Holy Spirit; it is therefore God’s full, final and sufficient authority, containing all things necessary for our salvation and holiness

• Ever since Adam and Eve’s first sin (Genesis 3) every human being is sinful and therefore subject to God’s rightful anger and judgment

• God has ultimately revealed himself through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ: Jesus was born of a virgin; he was both fully God and fully human

• Though he never sinned Jesus died on the cross, taking upon himself God’s judgment due to sin; he was raised bodily from death, and is now seated at God’s right hand reigning over everything

• The only way for someone to have their guilt removed and to be free from the penalty and power of sin, is to turn from their sin and trust in Christ’s death on their behalf

• Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man; anyone who trusts in him is immediately pardoned of all their sins and accepted in God’s sight, not because of their own goodness or efforts, but because they are credited with Jesus’ own righteousness; this is due to God’s undeserved mercy alone

• The Holy Spirit’s work is to make what Christ did on the cross effective to individual sinners; he alone enables someone to turn from their sin and to trust in Jesus Christ and become a ‘Christian’

• The Holy Spirit lives in all Christians, making them increasingly like Christ, giving them boldness to witness about him, and a growing desire to serve each other in love.

• There is only one church to which all Christians everywhere belong; this church is expressed in local gatherings wherever and whenever Christians meet together around God’s Word

• That, according to the Lord Jesus himself (Matthew 19.4-6), God created humankind as male and female, and that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and is the only proper place for sexual intimacy.

• The Lord Jesus Christ will return in person, to judge everyone according to their standing with God; but all who have turned from their sin and trusted in Jesus’ death to save them, Jesus will take them home with him to the New Creation.